To request an AirLife Denver for transport: Dispatch (303) 360-3400
General inquiries/non-emergency phone number: (303) 338-7338
Access HealthONE
Dial: (888) 796-6378 or (303) 338-7330
Access HealthONE (AH1) is a 24/7 transfer center that serves as a gateway for requests from physicians wishing to transfer a patient into HealthONE. The transfer center is open seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. AH1 is staffed with experienced acute care RNs to facilitate patient transfers, consults, and transports.
The goals of Access HealthONE are:
- To provide "one stop shopping" for physicians wishing to access
HealthONE hospitals
- Quickly link referring physicians to consulting/accepting physicians.
- Upon accepting physician approval AH1 will expedite a safe patient transfer.
- To limit potential financial liability on the part of patients and their families (right physician, right facility, right mode of transport).
Additional friendly services provided that will help enhance the service and referrals:
- Manage logistics for a smooth patient transfer
- Ensure follow-up communication
- Coordinate prompt hospital bed assignment
- Facilitate communication between facilities for nursing report
- Coordination of AirLife and ambulance transport services
- Provide an admission H&P and/or discharge summary to referring physicians on request
- All calls are recorded for quality assurance, process improvement,
education, or follow-up
Interested in learning more about utilizing us in your area?
Contact the outreach team
- Matt Spoon, Outreach Coordinator | Email Matt
- Tim Neaderhiser, Outreach Coordinator | Email Tim
Any of the outreach team members can get you to the person you need; however, generally speaking, the advisors are who schedule outreach fly-ins. They can coordinate with your agency or facility for an in-person visit, LZ training, and community events. Matt Spoon is the northern advisor and Dane Dyk is the souther advisor. Tim Neaderhiser, our outreach educator covers offerings such as LZ safety in-services, scenario-baed training and other educational offerings.
Contact the media team
For media inquiries, please contact:
Contact AirLife administration
AirLife Administration